29 April, 2012

In Kurukhetra War God said to Arjun, “O Arjun You only do your work properly, don’t think about the Result, leave it to me”. Just like every human has to do work without thinking of the result.

When God decides to protect his followers then there is no force is in the Universe to compete against God’s Super Might. When Aswathama launched the Brahmastra towards Pandavs he thought he had the ultimate weapon in hand that would destroy the Pandavs. Little bit he knew When God himself is protecting the Pandavs then even the ultimate weapon like Brahmastra would become useless in front of him.

God wants everyone to do work themselves, but at times God does come for the rescue of his followers and the TIME he decides to protect someone there is absolutely nothing would stand in front of him. Even the deadliest Narayani Astra and the destructive Serpent Weapon wouldn’t do any harm to Arjun because Lord Krishna himself stood between Arjun and those super destructive Weapons. Result those weapons became mare toys in front of God.

God didn’t took weapon himself in the Kurukhetra War as it would become One sided show, besides there was other reasons for him not to get directly involved in the War, but every time he wanted to protect his dear friend Arjun no force  was able to stand in front of him.

If Lord Krishna wanted he could have stopped the war but he wanted it to happen. When Ashwathama launched the Brahmastra if Sri Krishna wanted, he could have prevented him from launching the weapon. But Sri Krishna LET him to use the Ultimate weapon so that he could teach him that “When” he is protecting someone then even the most destructive force like the “Brahmastra” would appear useless in front of him.

It teaches the lesson, if God is there is to protect then we don’t have to worry about any Strom, Let the Storm come, don’t stop it from coming because when someone is under the Shelter of GOD even the super massive STROM looks too weak frail. Because the Might of GOD is always ahead than any kind of Strom. So, let the Strom Came Taa ke STORM ko bhi paata chalaay how weak it is, in front of GOD’s Super Might.

However, Whatever is in GOD’s mind only he knows, Just wish Bhagban Hamesha Dharm ki Rakksha Karay aur Adharm ki Naash and How he does that again Only God Knows..

Jai Sri Krishna..

17 April, 2012

Now King Khan has to attend the Home Ground of his IPL team to fill up the stadium!!

Minus SRK, it still seemed stadium still struggles to get filled up. With his massive crowd pulling power, it does make a gigantic difference yet again proved yesterday. Where on last Friday (13th April, 2012) Eden Garden struggled to get filled up, again with knowing SRK will be there the ground witnessed full house attendance. Clearly just a presence of a that “Single person” makes this huge difference. Again proves the massive crowd pulling power King Khan has, but how long he has to fill up the stadium with his own ability..

I wish someday his team or our beloved “Senseless” team !!!! (Sorry but have to say watching their performance till now) will be able to fill up people’s heart at least!!!!
KKR, the Indian Team in Making !!!!

I see a KKR as the Indian cricket team of 90’s, very similar. That time Indian team was falling short of people's expectations and emotions attached with them. They did perform well at times but most of the times did fall short of people’s demand. However, Indian team has come of age, now it’s the world’s number 1 team, but the emotion, sentiment, and madness people had for “that” old Indian team is perhaps 10 times more higher compared to emotion people now has for the team.

However, I don’t know why KKR always brings back the memory of 90’s Indian cricket team. I have seen many also saying that KKR brings back the old Indian cricket team, that’s good but when it will bring the success of twenty first century Indian cricket team….again God knows..

13 April, 2012

SRK News:

Today King Khan SRK was given Yale’s Chubb fellowship. Each year three or four distinguished men and women have been appointed as visiting Chubb Fellows. Former Chubb Fellows include presidents George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Jimmy Carter; authors Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes, and Toni Morrison; filmmaker Sofia Coppola; architect Frank Gehry; choreographer Mikhail Baryshnikov; and journalist Walter Cronkite. As usual he charmed the crowd gathered to see him, and besides so much happenings around him..

also Today 'Shah Rukh Khan' Was Trending World Wide On Twitter! Truly today was a SRK day..

08 April, 2012

When the "WIN"  itself  LOSES:

As IPL just begun and it's a long way to go. Always wish our team to do the best. I know everything what happened, or happen or will happen is according GOD’s will, but I wish best for our team.

And Yes just like any ardent KKR fan will always stay beside our team forever. Support and love for the team is so strong that God forbid if God wishes his team KKR to lose all the matches or even if it never win any match that won’t be able to divert my loyalties to GOD’s team even for a while. All the ardent KKR fans are also commenting like that, ha! Ha!

God’s team is not only the most loved team, with maximum number of followers, but it’s also the team, which is the nucleus of the tournament in every department. The excitement and energy it brings to the entire tournament is unparallel.

So if God’s team loses at least 80% of the entire people watching IPL get hurt. Even from that state against KKR is playing also got large number of people who gets hurt if SRK’s team loses against their own state team. Not to mention the fan following KKR has all over India and from rest of the world easily makes God’s team the most loved, adorable, most followed with max number of fan following in the tournament.

So every time the most loved IPL team loses, more than 90% souls get hurt, demoralized worldwide. Whenever any team wins over GOD’s team the “WIN” itself loses its charm, grace or shine. What the use of that WIN, which didn’t bring pleasure to 90% of the souls watching IPL around the world, leave about the entire Universe where Demi God’s also ardent supporters of KKR : ))

So every time GOD’s team loses the WIN itself bites the dust. If a “WIN” doesn’t bring joy, happiness, pleasure or smile to the faces of majority of people the “WIN” itself becomes invalid, purpose less, useless, or unwanted : )) 

So when any “WIN” which doesn’t belong to GOD’s team, the “WIN” itself LOSES....and that’s actually the Truth.

The Day I sighted God’s celestial messenger Narada:

Today I am here to tell you that just recently I have sighted a personality from the other world, who is known to be GOD’s Celestial messenger namely Narada. This was not my first encounter with anything of that sort. Earlier I have seen few things also. GOD’s gigantic hand covering the sky, or SRK’s Vishnu form but that was from far and only for few seconds but in open daylight within a hands distance sighting someone who belongs to the celestial world, first time I have ever seen.

Actually, I always prayed that if someday I meet/see someone from the spiritual world I should realize at that moment that I am interacting with someone from the other world. Though It happened just few days back still I didn’t tell this to many. There was no intention to share it you all either but somehow its related to my blog’s writing so today I have changed my mind and decided to share the entire episode with you.

It all started someday back, I used to feed two stray dogs (pups) as they reside nearby my resident.  I always “jokingly” say to my mother that they are very also pure souls, and they also might be singing a Krishna bhajan in their mind. So they deserved to be treated well. I always recite one “Specific” Krishna bhajan (of course in a very jokingly manner) and always say this Specific bhajan actually those two sacred souls are singing all the time and I can sense that :) As a dog and animal lover, I also give big lectures to everyone that to serve any living creature (read DOGs especially) is to serve GOD :))
It was 21st March 2012, noon time I just completed writing an article on my blog. I was there at my place, it was noon time, I suddenly felt I have to see those two pups and feed them right then. So I was there to feed them. There was hardly anyone passing on the road at that time, while I was feeding those puppies on the roadside. Suddenly I heard a that “Specific” Bhajan (A female singer was singing, though it’s mostly became famous by Anup Jalota) was coming from radio. After that I searched everywhere including the internet though found few versions sung by female singers but still didn’t find that female singer, which I heard at that till now.

However, when I moved towards that direction to see source of the song, I saw a Sadhu carrying a radio moving  towards me. With a split second I realized Arree!!!! it’s the same Bhajan I always recite regarding these two puppies. He was in a form of a Sadhu, wearing a white Dhooti, and white “Chaddar” wrapped around his body and he has long white beard just like any typical Saint or a Sadhu. He was holding a Radio/tape-recorder in his hand (the specific song was still going on his radio).

Though he was in that form there was a strange glow coming from his face and a spark in his eyes. He just stopped in front of me watching I am feeding those pups (dogs) and then smiled at me saying what a good thing you are doing. Keep it up, and also showered few good words towards me.

With no time to sphere I realized the person in front of me is someone from the other world. At that I was totally aware he was not from this world, still I didn’t said anything. He was there just for a minute or so. I asked him if he needs anything. He just smiled at me and raised his hand as if to bless me and then silently passed again smiling at me. Though at that time, I knew he was from the other world but I couldn’t point out who actually he is.

Later when I came back to my room I mediated to know who he was, and I got all the answers. He was Narada himself, The Radio he was holding is actually transformed form of his musical instrument called Veena. Last couple of times I have been writing about Narada on my blog who is the celestial messenger of Lord Vishnu who travels all the places in the entire universe. I also heard sometimes he visits Lord Vishnu’s great devotees or even an ordinary devotee like me of modern age, who has nothing great to offer.

How they transform or changes form or take different shapes?? All this done following laws of Physics?? Is this anything to do with matter’s Fourth state that only God knows.

It may sound funny or quite ridiculous or even may be taken as a just a mere co-incident. But among thousands of Krishna Bhajans, why this specific was playing on his tape-recorder (which I “Only” recite “jokingly” for these pups) at the moment when I was feeding them. I don’t know whether it can be explained by a rational mind or not but what I know is that what I have seen, heard or realized with my senses it left absolutely no space of confusion that it was not a co-incident…. Jai Sri Krishna
In the blog I wrote when Narada visited Dwarka, Lord Krishna asked him what he wants . Narada replied “Lord I don’t want anything else just I pray where I may be I may be allowed to constantly remember your lotus feet.

Quite right, as all true devotees who are truly knowledgeable just want a small shelter in Lord’s feet, because who actually is real knowledgeable knows just praying for a little shelter in Lord’s feet who is the ultimate, who is the source of everything is more than enough to attain absolutely anything. And there is a Krishna Bhajan in Bangla, which actually denotes this,

So, it’s all for today, enjoy cricket, enjoy IPL, anything that includes GOD is automatically become graced by his presence whatever may be the result where God is there all the happiness, pleasure, joy and positivity is there..

And yes before leaving for the day, here I am posting that much talked about “SPECIFIC” Bhajan I have been mentioning, also the song which was playing on that Sadhu’s Tape-recorder. I didn’t find that female singer who was singing that time but here is the original version of that Krishna Bhajan sung by Anop Jalota….  Jai Sri Krishna..

05 April, 2012


Where “Some” are busy boosting their social networking accounts by employing people so that every day they can add thousands of virtual followers to boost their STAR status.  Some are busy winning titles paying to “Some” private channels, some are busy to attain God status but when it comes to the real world there is a clear misbalance, into their Virtual world’s Artificially attained Status and their REAL status which is noticeable. Irony is that somehow these kinds of fraudulent activities also get leaked in a world, where information can travel in no time from one place to another.

In a World where Self glorification just became motto of life, there one who things totally the other way. Mahesh Bhatt once said about that Guy in an interview that “He doesn’t take himself that seriously but he is very serious about his work, and still has no ambition to leave his footsteps in the history, and that “HE” mentioned above is Shah Rukh Khan. And that’s SRK for you.

Yet, if anyone rules in both the Real and Virtual worlds equally, Whose popularity and recognition is not just limited to a certain group, Or to certain community, or to a Certain city, or to a certain state, or to certain region, or even to a Certain Country but around the Globe across various human races is again the guy himself   SRK. The name which needs no introduction around the world today. The electrical presence he has weather in Stage shows or in public gathering and the joy, pleasure or the madness generates among his audiences very clearly nobody can and again and again it has been proved.

He is not just an actor, or a Stage performer who only dances and talks to entertain his audiences he is much more than that. That’s why TODAY, the energy, the hysteria he creates across the world, wherever he arrives is incomparable. Especially, when you consider he is a completely a Self made Star, who emerged from a Third World nation it’s quite unprecedented.

It’s unbelievable to see only especially European countries where Indian’s or Pakistani’s are not liked but amazingly they love SRK, same goes for the other countries also who doesn’t like anything coming from a third world nation, So as for the conservative country like Morocco where they are not known to fond of INDIAN’s either but they when its SRK mystericaly the equation changes they forget anything they just love him in one go. In Indian subcontinent there may be rivalries between the neighboring countries but when it’s comes to SRK they all are united with a common choice King of Shah Rukh Khan. And his fan base is increasing more and more to the countries where they don’t know Hindi or that familiar with India, they only know Shah Rukh Khan. Even he is there just want SRK among them.

Why people love him once they see him, what force that drives towards him…. Guess they knew the real reason. But let it be like that whenever they sees the Star who has universal appeal they suddenly feel he actually belongs to them and somehow he parted way from them now he is back with them. Is it his Charm, Magnetic attraction, Mystic Power, Universal Appeal, infectious energy, ability to connect people or is it the Power of GOD who is capable of attracting anyone as he belongs to everyone

It’s not like that there are not other Stars, Celebrities, or Sportsperson’s who is not liked or appreciated in other countries. But there is a small (or Huge) difference between “Appreciate” and “Love”. Any Great from his/her field can excel and perform well enough to get appreciation from places all over. But attaining “Appreciation” and attaining “LOVE” is totally a different game altogether. There is a huge huge gap between these two words. In SRK’s case people across the globe not only appreciate but LOVE him, and that’s the difference.

And here is that interview:

(He (SRK) doesn’t take himself very seriously but he takes his work very seriously. He has no desire to leave his footmarks in the history. That’s what so unique about him)­------Mahesh Bhatt

May be he doesn’t want to reveal his identity; weather anyone identifies him or not doesn’t carry any importance to him nor he cares as he is here for a occasional trip to visit his earth. He may have no desire to leave his footmarks in history. It’s quite evident from SRK’s remark also who says his stardom is like a T-shirt for him, he doesn’t care much about that. That’s okay but in other way he need not have to chase “history” to leave his footmarks because  when God steps in both “History” and “Geography” runs after him.

No wonder King today rules the hearts of billions worldwide and no geographical boundary is strong enough to bar his fan followings spread across the globe. As I said People across the globe not only APPRECIATE but LOVE him, and that’s the difference between him and others. And this difference will be more evident in coming times.


50.000-60,000 gathered to welcome World’s biggest Superstar , and King Overshadowed everyone’s existence by his monstrous popularity including Hollywood biggies in Marrakesh Film Festival, Morocco.  When King is there nobody can be near, because he represents his country.

On a lighter note I just read a funny comment somewhere about SRK’s popularity in morocco and worldwide, don’t know the commentator is praising or not, few places I found it with slightly different versions, it goes like that

“OMG he is a beast (SRK), it’s totally insane, He is the only one Jiske aagaay Hollywood stars bhi Paani vaar te hai”

As IPL just started. It’s been 4 years his team KKR haven’t yet reached the FINAL but still his team remains as the TOP brand of IPL, with max number of followers, max number of brands, and the only team which have been making profits all the years just tells everything the power of One name SRK. It's over for the day, thank you.

(KKR still IPL’s biggest brand)