26 August, 2012

Where Science meets GOD:

Lord Krishna is creator of everything.  First there was only Lord Krishna then he divided himself billion times as different types of Vishnu spread all over billion Universes.

Many top scientists and physicists have found strange similarities while they studied mysteries of the universe with what described in our “Srimad bhagavatam “ and “Vishnu Puran”. Our ancient books including “Vishnu Puran” says, In the center of every universe there is one controller called Maha-Vishnu and there are billions like him in different universes, and Vishnu is considered Black in complexion.

Modern astronomical studies says there is a “black hole” in center of every galaxy. Each of the galaxies has one at its center just like our own Galaxy “Milky Way” have one Super massive Black hole.

Black hole is something which is black in color just like Vishnu (form of Lord Krishna) and Black Hole is something which has unimaginable force of attraction, it attracts anything with so much power that even light can’t escape its attraction and amazingly meaning of the word is “Krishna” is who attracts anything, and nothing can escape his attraction not even light so he is also black….

some are born great others achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them….

Lastly here is one song of "HIM:

It’s over for now,  Jai Sri Krishna

10 August, 2012

Happy Birthday to the creator, Happy Janmastami to all of you.

He is creator of everything that prevails, yet this day he descended on earth as Krishna. He is the source of everything, every living and non living entity that exists. We celebrate Krishna Janmastami keeping in mind this day he descended on earth in Dwapar Yuga but actually at the very beginning of creation only he was present. Actually it’s was the second time he was named Krishna by Sage Garg.

Saying goes like this, after one year Krishna was born, Nandaraja requested his family priest Sage Garg to do the naming ceremony of their child.  The moment Garg saw Krishna in Yasoda’s lap he perplexed to see the heavenly beauty of the baby, which was uncommon in any other baby he has seen. He then started to mediate and realized the baby was no one but the creator himself born as a child and when he was about to tell it to Nanda baba and Yasoda, Krishna instructed him not to reveal it but Sage Garg named him after his real name Krishna.

Lord Krishna not only the source of everything he is also the creator of all demigod and goddesses and all the powers supplied to them actually is his power yet he glorifies them offering them puja.

When the creator plays flute

Once a flutist came to Nanda village and started to play flute, God sees him and praised him saying now nice he plays, then God requests him to give him a flute so that he can play, seeing that the flutist told he is too small and will be unable to play the instrument properly so he instead gave him a small flute.
The flutist was enjoying God’s childishly act, but when the creator himself started to play the flute the flutist became mum, such music he never heard, never seen, when Lord Krishna playing he felt its like the entire creation, all the living things and the surrounding all on a sudden became peaceful as it never it felt before, there were absolute happiness, joy everywhere. Seeing that he bowed to Krishna realized he can’t be a common human who can play instrument like that, of course he was right the creator is different from the rest.

Just like this video

Again Happy Janmastami to all, and happy birthday to the creator. Jai Sri Krishna..