15 May, 2012

When God stepped in to take the Entire Kaurava Army alone:

Every time, GOD can’t do work for humans, most of the times we have to face the challenges with our own and that’s what God want. Yes at times God himself arrives in the field to rescue his followers but most of the times humans have to meet challenges with their own.
In Kurukhetra war, Lord Krishna vowed not to take arms in his hand. Yes, at times he did  help Pandavs who were struggling to match with the much stronger Kauravs but still God didn’t take  arms in his hand because even he has to follow his own rules. But at times for his devotee he does break rules.

When fight between Bhisma and Arjun occurred, Bhishma was much stronger than Arjun as he has no answer to Bhisma’s Arrows. As Chief of Kaurava Army Bhishma arranged his army in Eagle's format and Pandavas opted for semi-lunar style to counter Kauravas offensive. The ferocious Bhishma attacked Pandavas with force unheard of with his most destructive weapons. Pandavas army was torn apart at tens and hundreds places. Soldiers started running here and there. Scores of them died on the battle-field in their futile attempt to attack or escape the mighty Bhishma. Even the flag bearers and ordinary soldiers who were bleeding and helplessly trying to escape from the battlefield were not given relief.

                       GOD breaks his Vow to Save Arjuna's life 

Seeing that God himself looked anxiously as deadly arrows struck one after another to Arjun’s body leaving him wounded. The chariot was also badly damaged. Sri Krishna told Arjuna to protect his men from Bhishma. There was no other way but to remove Bhishma if Pandavas had to win the war. Everyone intently watched this terrifying battle between the Arjuna and Bhishma.

In spite of Sri Krishna’s warning to fight properly Arjun neither have the ability nor have the will to fight with Bhishma. Arjuna was faltering, many a arrow from Bhishma hit Arjuna. He was bleeding profusely. Sri Krishna anxiously witnessing this for a while. Then Sri Krishna thought, "If this continues defeat of Pandavas is not far away." Therefore, in a bid to thwart the onslaught of Bhishma, Sri Krishna stepped down from the chariot and quickly lifted the nearby wheel of a broken chariot and ran towards Bhishma as if to take on the entire Kaurava Army alone.

With Every step of God the earth begun to crumble; a tremor felt all over the earth. Seeing his fearsome form, the Entire Kaurav Army who were cheering and enjoying so far to see the slaughtering of Pandav Army became mum. Seeing Lord Krishna rushing towards them the entire Kaurav Army started to run helter-skelter, Army chiefs of different ranks started to shiver with fear, weapons fell from their hands.

The vow that Sri Krishna would not take to arms was thus broken!! Later Sri Krishna was reminded of his vow by Arjuna, Arjuna quickly ran and fall into God’s feet and prayed him involved in war. Then God threw away the wheel and retreated back to his chariot. For his Bhakta - devotee - the Lord had broken his vow!!

But most of the time, Human has to do work and face challenges on their own. God can’t do each and everything. However when what God does there must have been some purpose that we can’t realize with our limited intelligence. After all God helps those who help themselves and God’s work only God knows.

Jai Sri Krishna..