17 May, 2012


Lord Vishnu and Laxmi


Most powerful and knowledgeable always surrenders to God, because they know doing that is actually gaining his favor, where as evils do opposite to it. It’s truly said “fools rush in where angels fear to tread”. Among the strongest warriors like Barbarik and Bhishma surrenders to God where as Sishupal and Ravan, Kansa, Jharasandha with their limited capacity challenges God. As a pure Soul always get attracted to God and a evil soul can't hear God's name as they are destined to get destroyed, actually God's will is like that.

First let me tell you the story of Barbarik: 

The legend begins with the Mahabharta Barbarika was a grandson of Bhima. He was the son of Ghatotkocha (who in turn was son of Bhima) and Morwi was his mother. Even in his childhood, Barbarika was a very brave warrior. He learnt the art of warfare from his mother. God Shiva, pleased with him, gave him the three infallible arrows (Teen Baan). Later, Agni (the god of Fire) gave him the bow that would make him victorious in the three worlds.

When Barbarika learnt that battle between the Pandavas and the Kauravas had become inevitable, he wanted to witness what was to be the Mahābhārata War. He promised his mother that if he felt the urge to participate in the battle, he would join the side which would be losing. He rode to the field on his Horse equipped with his three arrows and bow.

Sri Krishna tests Barbarika:                         

Hearing the Power of Barbarika both Pandavas and Kaurvas terrified that if he takes part nobody will be able to fight against him, soon they all will be killed. They all go to Sage Vyas for the solution to prevent Barbarika taking part in war. Hearing that Vyas Suggested indeed nobody would able to stop Barbarika not even Pandavas and Kauravs combined force. If anyone can stop him it’s going to be Lord Krishna.

All then rushed to Lord Krishna to rescue from this dangerous situation. Hearing all that Lord Krishna said "I  will take care of that but first I want to meet him. Then Sri Krishna went to test Barbarik’s strength. He started mocking him for going to the great battle with only three arrows. On this, Barbarika replied that a single arrow was enough to destroy all his opponents in the war, and it would then return to his quiver. He stated that, the first arrow is used to mark all the things that he wants to destroy. On releasing the third arrow, it would destroy all the things that are marked and will then return to his quiver. If he uses the second arrow, then the second arrow will mark all the things that he wants to save. On using the third arrow, it will destroy all the things that are not marked. In other words, with one arrow he can fix all his targets and with the other he can destroy them.

Krishna then challenges him to tie all the leaves of the peepal tree under which he was standing with these arrows. Barbarika accepts the challenge and starts meditating to release his arrow by closing his eyes. Then, Krishna without the knowledge of Barbarika, plucks one of the leaf of the tree and puts it under his foot. When Barbarik releases his first arrow, it marks all the leaves of the tree and finally starts revolving around the leg of Krishna. For this Krishna asks Barbarika, as why was the arrow revolving around his foot? For this, Barbareek replies that there must be a leaf under his foot and the arrow was targeting his foot to mark the leaf that is hidden under him.

Barbarika asks Sri Krishna to lift his leg, Thus, Krishna lifts his foot and finds that the first arrow also marks the leaf that was hidden under his foot. Of course, the third arrow does collect all the leaves (including the one under Krishna's foot) and ties them together. By this Krishna concludes that the arrows are so infallible, that even if Barbarika is not aware of his targets, the arrows are so powerful that they can still navigate and trace all his intended targets. The moral of this incident is that, in a real battle field, if Krishna wants to isolate someone (for example: the 5 Pandava brothers) and hides them elsewhere in order to avoid them from being Barbarika's victim, then Krishna will not be successful as the arrows after destroying the whole army, can trace the hidden targets also and destroy them. So, nobody will be able to escape from these arrows. Thus Sri Krishna gets a deeper insight about Barbarika's phenomenal power.

Sri Krishna then asks Barbarik whom he would favour in the war. Barbarika reveals that he intends to fight for the side whichever is weak. As Pandavas have only seven Akshouni army, when compared to Kauravas eleven, he considers that Pandavas are weak and hence wants to support them so that Pandavas will become victorious.

Then Sri Krishna tells that, according to the strategy of Kauravas not the entire eleven Akshouni army will be used to wage a war on the first day. Hence, the part of Kaurava's army that comes before Pandavas on the first day, will be completely destroyed by Barbareek. But, that part of Kaurava's army that does not come before Pandavas on the first day will become weak. This will force Barbareek to support Kauravas and fight against Pandavas. Now, Barbareek will destroy that part of Pandavas army that comes before Kauravas. The remaining part of Pandavas army that does not come before Barbareek will now become very weak. Thus, whichever side he supports will only make the other side weak due to his phenomenal power and nobody will be able to defeat him. Thus, in an actual war, he will keep oscillating between the two sides, thereby destroying the entire army of both sides and eventually only he will remain. Subsequently, none of the side is victorious as he will be the only lone survivor.

Hence, Krishna relalized is absolutely necessary to avoid him participating  in the war. Sri Krishna then told him that you can take part in the war but first you have to beat me. Hearing that Barbarik realized in spite being armed with such supremely powerful with his tree unfailable arrows which can destroy anything in his world, Still he won’t be able match Lord Krishna’s might as He is God himself. Barbarik then said God I won’t able to fight with you as I consider you as my GURU, so u ask for anything else. Then Sri Krishna said if u consider myself as your GURU then give me your head as a Charity.

Barbarik happily agreed to do so, But before decapitating himself, Barbarika told Krishna of his great desire to view the forthcoming battle and requested him to facilitate the same. Krishna agreed and placed the head on top of a hill overlooking the battlefield. From the hill, the head of Barbarika watched the entire battle.

At the end of the battle, the victorious Pandava brothers argued amongst themselves as to who was responsible for their victory. Krishna suggested that Barbarika's head, which had watched the whole battle should be allowed to judge. There his mother Morwi also came to see him, but seeing her son’s terrible condition she started to weep falling in the ground. She bagged to Sri Krishna for barbarik’s life and to bring back her son to normal life. Sri Krishna told her it’s not possible as it is against nature’s law, but in spite that she again and again fell on Lord Krishna’s feet. Seeing that all present there also had tears on their eyes. Lord Krishna also felt merciful seeing that, and then Sri Krishna said “though it’s against nature’s law your tears and true devotion made me to break the Law of nature, So I command Barbarika’s head and the rest of the body to be united again and return back to normal form”. With his thundering voice all saw how magically the entire body of barbarika again returned back to normal state and that how Lord krishna revived Barbarika. All then chant Lord Krishna’s name with joy. Actually all happened because Barbarik surrenders to God. In Vaaman Avatar, King Bali surrenders to him in return God became in his Gate Kepeer in Pataal Lok and protected him from any kind of trouble. 

Both Morya and Barbarika fell on God’s feet and were blessed by him before they returned back to their place. So, those who are among the most powerful and knowledgeable surrenders to God because they knows if they loses to God it won’t be considered as losing, it’s actually attaining God’s favor or in other term losing to God is equal to winning. Same goes for Bhishma who even defeated Parsuram ( A Secondary incarnation of Vishnu) so powerful he was, also was blessed with living as long as he wanted, but in the war he surrendered to Krishna. Because he was intelligent he knew accepting defeat to God is actually gaining favor of GOD.

Because of the surrender Bhishma gained God’s favour. He not only acquired salvation because he left his earthly body in front of Krishna, but when he was struck by arrows Sri Krishna gave him special power so even after his body was struck by arrows all of his wounds were healed automatically, and it had no harmful impact on his body. His pain also vanished as if the arrows became his body parts and he could talk and feel like any other normal man. Also with Lord Krishna’s power he didn’t felt hungry or thirsty after that. And see Duryondhan and Sishupal, Ravan, Supranakha, Putna such evil forces with their limited power challenges God in return got perished. However even they all obtained salvation as they perished by God so merciful GOD is.

As the conclusion goes, Who is Unbeatable, who is supreme, losing to him is not considered as losing, as it is one way of gaining God’s favor provided IF someone surrenders to him unconditionally with true mind…. So as all says Bhagwan ki leela to Bhagwanhi Jaanee.. 

Jai Sri Krishna..